August 23, 2023

Embracing the Future: How Touchscreens Revolutionize Brand Engagement

Embracing the Future: How Touchscreens Revolutionize Brand Engagement

Image of interactive signage with loyalty screen

The world of marketing is dynamic, ever-evolving, and always hungry for the next big thing. As chief marketing officers (CMOs) navigate this terrain, they're continuously seeking fresh avenues to enhance brand visibility and increase organizational revenue. Remarkably, a promising solution lies at our fingertips: touchscreen technology, especially in expansive retail spaces.

Digital touchpoints like price checkers or point-of-sale (POS) customer interfaces in retail environments aren't just transactional tools—they're transformative platforms for immersive marketing. Think about it: These screens are interactive canvases where brands can advertise, inform, and even entertain customers. With modern advancements, screens now host everything from interactive commercials to vibrant banner ads, making them crucial assets in a retailer's promotional arsenal.

The Digital Touch Revolution

What touchscreens truly bring to the table is a redefined brand-customer interaction. No longer passive recipients, customers now dictate the pace and nature of their engagement with product content. This interactive model encourages retailers to rethink their communication strategies, focusing more on user-driven experiences such as self-service kiosks instead of traditional staff-operated counters.

Consider the phenomenon of impulse purchases. Recent surveys suggest that a staggering 73% of American adults often succumb to spur-of-the-moment buying. Now, imagine leveraging this inclination digitally. By using touchscreen tech at self-checkout points, retailers can nudge customers towards additional products, amplifying sales. Furthermore, the potential applications are endless—from hosting in-store tutorials on screens to initiating customer sign-ups for workshops or loyalty programs.

Overcoming Touchscreen Integration Hurdles

But here's the caveat: Merely sprinkling touchscreens across retail spaces won't guarantee success. The challenge lies in curating the right content that truly captivates and resonates with customers. An idle register with a blank screen is a lost opportunity. The key is to strike a delicate balance between promoting a brand and ensuring a pleasant customer journey. Bombarding consumers with aggressive ads may backfire, turning an exciting shopping experience sour.

The trick? Curate a rich tapestry of content. Blend static advertisements—providing visual relief—with dynamic video ads that keep customers intrigued. It’s about choreographing a harmonious dance between restful and engaging visuals.

Mapping the Touchscreen Terrain

For CMOs eager to harness this technology's potential, understanding the retail space from a customer's perspective is essential. A deep dive into their journey can uncover prime spots for touchscreen placement, ensuring they complement rather than disrupt the shopping flow.

Achieving this symbiotic relationship requires cross-departmental collaboration. CMOs, in partnership with store planners and IT specialists, should brainstorm potential touchscreen deployment strategies. By visualizing real-world scenarios, they can pinpoint effective integration points. Whether it's promoting a product on an endcap screen or engaging customers during checkout, the possibilities are myriad.

In fact, this is where CMOs can bridge the chasm between marketing and tech. They don’t need intricate technical knowledge—just an awareness of in-store technologies and a willingness to adapt existing marketing materials for these platforms.

The Road Ahead: A Unified Retail Ecosystem

Imagine a not-so-distant future where every digital touchpoint—be it kiosks, screens, or signs across retail chains—is managed centrally, ensuring consistent content delivery and seamless user experience. Such holistic device-management might seem like a lofty goal now, but with rapid technological leaps, it's closer than we think.

Incorporating touchscreens in marketing strategies is a double-edged sword, with its set of advantages and challenges. Yet, by taking the measures highlighted above, retailers can position themselves at the forefront of this digital revolution, making the most of every square foot in our increasingly connected world.

Learn more about Elo's retail solutions at

By John Lamb